2023 Duotone Click Bar Quad Control
Duotone Click Bar Quad 2023
The Duotone Click Barren have been in taste by many kiters for years. Because the bar is performing so well, not much has changed in the past years. Until now! For 2023, Duotone has given the bar some massive upgrades that we'd love to tell you more about. The most striking and impactful upgrade that immediately stands out is the brand new Click-in chickenloop system. The new Iron Heart VI has a super simple click-in safety system with optical control that makes it super easy to re-connect the chickenloop after being used. By testing this system through alot, and by alot we mean alot, we can say that the Click Bar is one of the safest bars on the market!And it doesn't end there, the V-Distributor has also been adjusted. Because it is easy to remove, you can also fly with a lower V. Also, from now on you can easily check your leader lines for wear due to the removable floaters.